KIDNEY FAILURE (Click here to read More/Less)
Acute kidney failure is usually because of some infection, trauma, or some other medical emergency, and needs to be treated in an intensive care unit. This article focuses upon chronic kidney failure, or chronic renal failure, in which a long-term management is required. There are several causes of chronic kidney failure, in which a few notable conditions include persistent high blood pressure, untreated diabetes, renal artery stenosis, polycystic kidney, generalized medical conditions like auto-immune disorders, adverse drug reaction, and drug abuse. Chronic kidney failure is due to wide-spread damage to the structural and functioning units within the kidneys, resulting in impaired function of the kidneys. Fluid and electrolyte balance, and excretion of harmful waste products are important functions which are severely compromised due to kidney failure. This necessitates external dialysis to keep the body functioning at near-normal levels.
There are probably no medicines in the modern system which can help heal the damaged kidneys and restore some semblance of order and function of these organs. Fortunately, Ozone Therapy can be very safely used in kidney failure, and directly acts on the kidneys. Ozone Therapy acts on the kidney tissue and reduce inflammation and scarring. Ozone Therapy also acts upon the tiny blood vessel within the kidney tissue to repair the damage done to the membranes through which transfer of fluid, electrolytes and waste products takes place. Ozone Therapy also acts on the whole body to remove the known causes of kidney failure and initiate a generalized healing process. Ozone Therapy also directly contributes to increasing the formation and passage of urine. It is pertinent to note that there is no need to use any ash in the treatment of chronic kidney failure, and this will put to rest concerns about the use of heavy metals in treating the damaged kidneys. Ozone Therapy is quite effective in treating kidney failure and can be useful even up to the fourth stage of this condition. Needless to say, the earlier that treatment is initiated, the better and more complete will be the results obtained from Ozone Therapy.
Tags: CKD, CRF, Chronic Kidney Failure, Chronic Renal Failure, Dialysis, Ozone Therapy, Acute Kidney Failure