Hypothyroidism is a medical condition in which the secretions from the thyroid gland are less than normal due to various causes such as inflammation or destruction of the thyroid gland, deficiency of iodine or iron, and abnormalities in the pituitary or hypothalamus of the brain. Hypothyroidism can cause symptoms such as course and thick skin, weight gain, depression, cold intolerance, constipation, decreased concentration, excessive sleep, and pain and swelling in the body. Hypothyroidism can also cause accumulation of fluid in the heart or lungs. The modern treatment of hypothyroidism consists in supplementing the body with synthetic thyroxin, which controls the symptoms partially, but needs to be taken life-long.
The Ozone Therapy for hypothyroidism consists of treating the cause of the disease as well as giving symptomatic treatment. Deficiency of iodine or iron needs to be corrected within the daily dietary intake. Abnormalities of the brain in the pituitary and the hypothalamus need to be properly investigated, after which the appropriate Ozone Therapy can be instituted to correct the abnormality. Inflammation of the thyroid gland can be treated with Ozone Therapy which reduces inflammation and gradually bring the thyroid gland back to normal. Simultaneously, Ozone Therapy is also given to reduce the retention of fluid in the body and gradually increase the metabolism so that symptoms like thick skin, weight gain, depression and swelling and pain in the body disappear, and the body returns to normal. Excess fluid from the body is washed out through the kidneys with the help of Ozone Therapy; in addition, toxins from the blood are treated and also flushed out. Ozone Therapy which acts directly on the thyroid gland and thyroid cells is used, so that the thyroid gland starts functioning normally and smoothly. Normally, Ozone Therapy is required for a period of four to six months, in which most people affected with hypothyroidism recover completely. Patients who have developed hypothyroidism after the intake of radioactive iodine suffer large-scale destruction of the thyroid gland; in such individuals, treatment may be required with Ozone Therapy for a much longer time. Ozone Therapy is thus very effective in the successful management of hypothyroidism.
2. START ALWAYS LOW (in Session Frequencies, in Concentration and Amount of Ozone and in Total Duration) AND BUILD UP VERY SLOWLY!
investigation was done to evaluate the effectiveness of ozone therapy to regulate the oxidative stress associated with chronic Hashimoto´s thyroiditis (HT). MATERIAL and METHODS: Diagnosed patients with chronic HT and on thyroxine therapy were recruited for additional treatment with rectal ozone therapy. Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), thyroid hormones (fT4 and T3), anti-thyroidperoxidase antibodies (anti-TPO), anti-thyroidglobulin antibodies (anti-Tg) were assessed. Oxidative stress (OS) diagnosis was assessed by a specific system including a computer program which gives 4 parameters (total antioxidants, total prooxidants, redox index (RI), and grade) from the results of 8 blood biomarkers (GSH, GPx, SOD, CAT, CD, MAD, THP, AOPP). RESULTS: Before treatment with ozone therapy, mean of TSH, fT4, and T3 showed values within the reference ranges, but not corresponding to anti-TPO and anti-Tg levels, which presented high ones. Initial RI was in a range of values corresponding to degrees of oxidative stress from light to severe. After 3 cycles of treatment with ozone therapy the average RI increased significantly, so the degrees of OS were from moderate to very light. Mainly GSH was the most affected marker in antioxidant defense deficiency. Thyroid function markers were significantly better than previous numbers, whereas antithyroid antibodies decreased their titre not significantly in most patients. DISCUSSION: OS has been implicated in the pathogenesis of several inflammatory and immune-mediated disorders including HT. Enhanced OS seems to be mainly related to the chronic autoimmune inflammation rather than to variations of intracellular thyroid hormone. The systemic ozone therapy has the property to regulate the OS effectively; therefore, the application of this therapy in HT can be of great importance for the control of the disease. CONCLUSION: The present preliminary results suggest that systemic ozone therapy may be helpful in providing protection against OS associated with this disease. However, further long-term treatment studies are needed to ascertain the effectiveness of this therapy on disorders in the immune system of patients with HT.
Tags: Ozone Therapy, Hypothyroidism