Women have an anatomical advantage, in that vaginal insufflation requires no preparation, and can
be administered for very long periods of time. The gas will usually find its way into the uterus, out the
Fallopian tubes, and then into the abdominal cavity. Liver problems and pelvic inflammatory disease
(PID) can be addressed in this way. This is also a good way of getting ozone into the lymph system.
For men, cleaning the lymph system is not as easy, and requires use of a body suit or a steam cabinet.
The body suit is a less than popular aesthetic experience. The ozone steam sauna cabinet, however, is
a pleasurable experience. Because of the moist heat, the pores are open, and the capillaries are
dilated. The ozone enters and oxidizes toxins in the fat, the lymph and the blood. The skin is the
largest organ of elimination. The person sweats the oxidized toxins back out, avoiding the dump of
toxins to the liver and colon which can bring on the symptoms of toxic shock overload. Instead, the
person emerges from the steam cabinet feeling extremely relaxed and mellow, and ready for bed.
This is an ideal way of counteracting the stress of the day, while building up the immune system.